Sunday, July 1, 2012

Busy at the beach...

Sorry we've been m.i.a., but there's just too much fun stuff to get into in New England.  We've been BUSY!  Here's a quick vid of our beach trip today.  Stay tuned, we'll be posting more shortly!


  1. OMD he looks like a chicken taking a dust bath. HILARIOUS!. I don't have sound right now--but am looking for speakers!! LOVE LOVE LOVE~!!!!!!

  2. We couldn't see the video, but we're happy you're still around and having fun.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  3. BTW--was that DOTTED DOGS; mama that ran by??!!

  4. Too cool Oscar...we know exactly how much sense/cents/scents we have and it's all in our back pocket, right!?


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