Not to be confused with Batman Returns ... but at least as scary. Actually, I never even saw that movie, so I'm just guessing. You may recall this post where I introduced Death Doodle to you. Go ahead and review. I'll wait...
B returned on Friday from his 8-day voyage which included not only his Vegas bachelor party, but also a stay in San Antonio with layovers in Phoenix, Charlotte and probably 17 other cities. I think he flew over or landed in at least 48 of the 50 states during the last 2 weeks. Surprisingly only his golf clubs were lost... followed briefly by my sanity as I circled the airport for 45 minutes, during which time Oscar assaulted the police officer who had enough nerve to ask to search our trunk. Fortunately, I'm pretty savvy with the window controls and managed to separate them with glass before any blood was shed. BSL in Boston is about to include Labradoodles, no $hit.
As soon as B got in the car, I noticed he was sniffling a bit and had a scratchy throat. He swore he wasn't sick, just tired. But I woke up with a sore throat on Saturday. By Sunday I had a slight cough, too and was feeling pretty exhausted. So we got Pinkberry and watched Contagion. Not more than 10 minutes into the movie, I was sure the source of my misery was that B came in contact with a dirty butcher who handled a sick pig who was bitten by an infected bat in Hong Kong. I immediately doused my entire life in hand sanitizer. No really, we get those giant 80 gallon barrels of it from like Sam's Club or BJs. Fine, it's 1 gallon and it was only enough to clean my hands 93 times. We are out of bleach or else I would have used that next.
Naively, I believed the crisis to be averted, though narrowly. But last night, Oscar was insistent on laying unusually and uncomfortably close to me. And he would not budge. I woke up this morning and he was on top of me. At first, I believed the 60lbs of limp doodle weight upon my chest to be the source of my breathing difficulties. No such luck. I have a full blown Contagion-like illness for which there is surely no cure. (Except for maybe more cowbell... but those are surprisingly hard to find in downtown Boston).
Nuggie has been in the bed with me during the past couple of nights as well. I really thought it was because he was woozy from the Benedryl I gave him to ease the itchiness of his hot spots and that he just wanted his mommy. Now I'm leaning more towards the idea that Oscar is recruiting new team members to be able to keep up with the demands of the epidemic that is about to occur. Only time will tell, friends. But don't say I didn't warn you! Death Doodle is back on the prowl...
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
A Doodle Confession
You maybe heard a rumor... and I cannot deny it's true. Though I've been a very good boy lately, sometimes da need for mischief just overcomes me and I simply cannot helps myself. Other than snatching a few bags of pita and english muffins from da kitchen here and there, I've been on my best doodle behavior. (What? I craves da carbs!)
But then there was da snag and run... Mommy and daddy took me and da Nugg to da beach. We were very excited to go. It's a doggy beach! We likes to meet new friends and swim and prance through da waves and dig and roll in da sand. We loves da sand. Daddy hates da sand. And I accidentally kicked it in mommy's eyes... oops.
Well I was running and playin' with a new friend. We were havings a good time. But then I caughts a wiff of somethings good! It smelled really, REALLY goods... and so I followed my doodle nose and it led me right to an open beach bag. It was not supervised. There were no signs that said, "This is not for Doodle dog"... And so I helped myself and then I ran like da wind!!! I sprinted circles around mom and dad, withs a big doodle smile on my face while I was trying to chomp that snack down in a hurry. They couldn't catchs me and mommy was laughing so hard. Dad was mad. But then mom reminded him of da rules - anythings open and unsupervised is fair game at da doggy beach!
Wells da karma bus picked up dad laters with a big hole in da baggie he used to pick ups ma poops! That will teach him to get mad when I do somethings silly and Doodlish :) *giggle*
Licks & wiggles,
Oscar B Doodle Dog
But then there was da snag and run... Mommy and daddy took me and da Nugg to da beach. We were very excited to go. It's a doggy beach! We likes to meet new friends and swim and prance through da waves and dig and roll in da sand. We loves da sand. Daddy hates da sand. And I accidentally kicked it in mommy's eyes... oops.
Well I was running and playin' with a new friend. We were havings a good time. But then I caughts a wiff of somethings good! It smelled really, REALLY goods... and so I followed my doodle nose and it led me right to an open beach bag. It was not supervised. There were no signs that said, "This is not for Doodle dog"... And so I helped myself and then I ran like da wind!!! I sprinted circles around mom and dad, withs a big doodle smile on my face while I was trying to chomp that snack down in a hurry. They couldn't catchs me and mommy was laughing so hard. Dad was mad. But then mom reminded him of da rules - anythings open and unsupervised is fair game at da doggy beach!
Wells da karma bus picked up dad laters with a big hole in da baggie he used to pick ups ma poops! That will teach him to get mad when I do somethings silly and Doodlish :) *giggle*
Licks & wiggles,
Oscar B Doodle Dog
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Busy at the beach...
Sorry we've been m.i.a., but there's just too much fun stuff to get into in New England. We've been BUSY! Here's a quick vid of our beach trip today. Stay tuned, we'll be posting more shortly!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Do You Smell Something Funny?
This is how the boys fell asleep after daycare last night - Oscar's feet on Nugget's face. Nugget never even flinched... Oh the joys of a deep, post-daycare sleep!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Boy Dogs Shouldn't Help You With Laundry...
...because it may inspire cross-dressing. Doodle dog managed this entirely on his own, by rolling in my laundry pile. My apologies for the poor picture quality. I could barely stop wetting my pants long enough to catch even this:
(Don't even act like you're surprised by how small it is...)
Nugget is not impressed. He looks a little concerned, actually...
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
I'll Have the Roast Beast Please...
But he’s not totally useless. At times, he provides some decent insight that I hadn't previously considered. As B so expertly pointed out after our recent Doodle ordeal, once Oscar hurts a part of his body, it will "hurt" forever. Drama Doodle Exhibit A: his butt is healed, but he still squeals like Babe when I touch his tail. Exhibit B: Also, his thigh that he sprained like a decade ago, still “hurts” when I touch it. Disclaimer - before ACO is sent knocking on my door tomorrow - the vet checked him 36 times and it cost me about $90 million and now I’ll NEVER have a new Lamborghini, and HIS LEG IS FINE! I’m only a little bitter because I’m stuck driving THIS:
C: He still remembers one time I cut his nail too short and he bled for like 5
hours because now he doesn't like me to touch his feet. Fine, broken nails hurt like a bitch. I’ll give him that one. But the observation is legit.
In addition to his doggy-psychiatrist-like observations, B also has quite
the collection of “conspiracy theories” which typically involve the dogs vs
B and the dogs always win. Just last night, for example, he came
bouncing into bed after the football game to announce the Giants’ win… as if I
cared. After all, I generally go to bed
because I want to sleep not because
I’m anxiously awaiting the play-by-play of his last Madden NFL Xbox live Atari match…
or whatever the hell it is. I was
experiencing insomnia and he was seriously screwing with my already lousy attempt to
achieve Zen, and thus a peaceful night’s sleep.
He then announced his inability to get comfortable because of Oscar’s
inconvenient positioning across the entire bottom half of the bed. So I foolishly suggested he move the dog, to
which he responded with a convoluted diatribe about how he can’t because Oscar
will bite him and now his leg is stuck in such a position that the blood supply
to that limb will surely diminish its ability to remain intact with his body by
morning and he’ll have to have it amputated and after it heals and he learns to
walk on just one leg, the dogs will wrap their leashes around the remaining
good leg and he’ll have to have that one amputated, too, in addition to surgery
and sutures to put his brains back in after he bounces off the ground. The only logical response I could muster at
that point was to remind him of my previously announced stance that we
immediately stop using the retractable leashes.
Problem solved, NOW SHUT UP!
In full disclosure a conversation earlier in the weekend went just like this:
Me: Shut up, I have to learn their names.
B: Why?
Me: Because we're fostering all 11 of them, I told you that yesterday!
B: [Blank stare]
I suppose it was the least I could do to entertain his word vomit about his irrational limb-lossage fears. Klonopin would probably serve him well, too.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I’m Not Amused and I’m STILL Not Making it Up…
You might think, by now, that due to the vast number of
abnormal dog issues I’ve encountered over the past couple of years, I probably have
quite the imagination and could likely write a fairly decent informational piece
about any and all possible reasons you may need to visit an emergency vet. But just when I think we’ve experienced it
all, Oscar surprises us with something new.
And I swear, I STILL cannot make this stuff up…
Saturday began like any other. I slept in while B (bless his heart), got up
to tend to the boys. Our original plan
was to take them for a walk around the lake, but I was feeling a little under
the weather and decided to just take them to the park to romp and play fetch
instead. In other words, I wasn’t in the
mood to be pulled the entire 4 miles around the lake by Nugget, who has
recently decided to completely disregard any and all leash training (or
possibly lack thereof), he’s ever received.
At the park, we engaged in our typical park
games of fetch and chase with Nugget, while Oscar practiced Jiu Jitsu with a dangerously
large branch he found. I was too
frightened of the high probability I’d suffer a busted knee cap or deep thigh
bruise to even attempt to take the uprooted sequoia tree out of his mouth. Also, I
don’t actually have the slightest clue what Jiu Jitsu is or whether it involves
weaponry, but it sounds cool. Eventually
he tired of whirling the branch in the air and decided it was time to focus on
his neat Frisbee-fetching skills.
Allow me to reiterate that Osc’s athletic ability is pretty
phenomenal. This is unfortunate only
because he is also very clumsy… [see almost
any previous post for reference]. He
loves to jump and pull Frisbees out of the air or hurdle Nugget during sprints
through the house or do back flips while trying to snatch a ball during a game
of keep-away. Saturday was no different,
really. B whipped the Frisbee through
the air and Osc took off after it. He
jumped into the air and caught it, doing a flip on his way back to the
ground. We were cheering him on until he
didn’t quite make it all the way around and missed his feet, landing flat on
his back. He got up right away, so we weren't immediately alarmed. But then he
started crying. So I picked him up and
brushed him off. I didn’t see any
abrasions or puncture woulds. I
assumed he was just scared, until he pulled away from me.
**[This is where you stop reading if you are
easily grossed out!!!]**
He walked a few feet and starting trying to poop. He was clearly struggling and then I saw
blood. Not just a little; it was a
decent amount. And he was still crying. Upon closer look, I realized his backside was
covered in blood under his tail and he had a bright red, bloody bump on his
bum. Irrational me: “Oh MY GOD! He broke a bone and it punctured his
bowel! We need to go to the ER vet for emergency surgery, NOW!” Rational me: doesn’t exist.
B drove us to the emergency vet (which is conveniently
located practically in our back yard… It’s like B’s relocation people knew!).
I took Osc inside while B took Nugg home. Since I am clearly a child, I was trying to explain to
the lady at the desk what had happened without being too graphic and
disgusting. She turned my, “He fell and
is now pooping blood and has a bump on his bum” into “Blood present when
defecating; abrasions and trauma
to anal tissue”. Thanks. I couldn’t have said it better myself. And I didn’t.
Obviously she’s heard it all, so my dog’s anus issue didn’t faze her in
the least. But I didn’t want to be all,
“OH MY GAWD! He’s shitting out his
insides. We need help NOWWWWWWW!!!!!” [CUE
DRAMATIC SOBBING] even though I was fairly certain that’s what was happening. "Trust me! I'm a vet!" (That's what I tell dogs when I'm giving them medicine or shots or brushing their teeth).
Turns out, I wasn’t too far off. He did have scrapes from mid-thigh to about 2
inches up his tail and a partial rectal prolapse. (For the love of Jesus, do NOT do a Google
image search unless you are trying to be sick…). Fortunately, it was minor enough that it
didn’t warrant surgery. Ironically, the
remedy is sugar and ice. (That you can
Google. It’s legit). Basically, we've been putting granulated
sugar (the artificial stuff will not, I repeat WILL NOT, suffice), and ice on his butt after every bowel movement
since Saturday. I seriously cannot make
this up. (I had to throw the granulated
sugar disclaimer in there in case some genius stumbles across this and tries to
use Splenda to cure his own rectal prolapse. Yes, I said HIS!).
Nugget is so embarrassed for Oscar. He can't even stand to look!

Nugget is so embarrassed for Oscar. He can't even stand to look!
In hindsight, being pulled 4 miles around the lake would
have been less painful than our ER vet bill.
And the extreme lack of sleep we all experienced on Saturday night. Osc was miserable, thus making the rest of us
miserable. In addition to that, I think
I’ve washed my sheets and his blankets about 62 times in the last three days due
to the non-stop anal leakage he’s experiencing.
[Think: Warning on Alli bottles.
Anal leakage is for real!] So we
bought some diapers at Petco. And they
were too small. He was not pleased and,
in fact, stood in one spot like a statue for 45 minutes, refusing to move and surely plotting his
revenge. That idea was a bust, but I’m
so glad I’m stuck with a package of 18 medium-sized diapers that will fit any accidental human babies I have, should they be born with tails…
Diapers are NOT a dog's best friend...
Diapers are NOT a dog's best friend...
And PS – anyone who says having dogs is easier than human
babies can EFF OFF!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
'Tis the Season...
Because I am a textbook example of a crazy, late-twenty-something with severe neurosis, I opted into the belief that early and mostly-online holiday shopping was, in fact, the way to go… lest there be bloodshed, mangled cars in the mall parking lot and a probable short-term jail sentence.
Look at me! ‘Twas December 1st, my shopping was complete AND about half of my packages were wrapped. I was all gloaty until I realized I forgot to update my shipping address and some of my packages were delivered to my old apartment in North Carolina… and like 3 things were placed on such a severe level of backorder that the companies just cancelled the orders altogether. UGH Sorry B… I’m not sure why Santa didn’t leave anything for you…BUT AMAZON AND NHL.COM MIGHT KNOW!
My intentions were good and I was off to a decent start on completing my holiday tasks. But then I put off making Christmas cards, so I finally just uploaded an adorable reindog/elf-dog pic to Shutterfly and put a card together there. I also paid Shutterfly to address, stamp and mail my cards. On Christmas Eve. Oops. Maybe I should have changed them to Easter cards…
I also intended to send B off with some delectable holiday treats to bestow upon my family and his. He left a few days early with the boys. Long drive! I got to fly and meet up with them on Christmas Eve. By the time his scheduled departure rolled around, the last thing I wanted to do was bake. The very thought of it made me want to chuck the hand-mixer through the kitchen wall. Sorry family, no treats. No doubt they’ll agree that having me sane and well-rested is significantly more savory!
Nugget was thoroughly empathetic. Or just hoping for me to pause the holiday craziness long enough to give him a good head scratch! He’s really good helper…….. if you consider laying or stepping on the wrapping paper a big help. He enjoyed supervising the wrapping frenzy, and even caught a peek at a few gifts from Santa Paws. I had
to make him pinky-promise not to tell Osc there is no Santa Paws. Cost me a few biscuits, but what else was I supposed to do? Too risky...
Speaking of Oscar, his 2nd birthday was also upon us. That’s right, Oscar, Satanic-Tazmanian-Beast-&- Destroyer-of-the-World shares a birthday with Jesus, Savior of the World. Now if that’s not ironic…
Look at me! ‘Twas December 1st, my shopping was complete AND about half of my packages were wrapped. I was all gloaty until I realized I forgot to update my shipping address and some of my packages were delivered to my old apartment in North Carolina… and like 3 things were placed on such a severe level of backorder that the companies just cancelled the orders altogether. UGH Sorry B… I’m not sure why Santa didn’t leave anything for you…
My intentions were good and I was off to a decent start on completing my holiday tasks. But then I put off making Christmas cards, so I finally just uploaded an adorable reindog/elf-dog pic to Shutterfly and put a card together there. I also paid Shutterfly to address, stamp and mail my cards. On Christmas Eve. Oops. Maybe I should have changed them to Easter cards…
I also intended to send B off with some delectable holiday treats to bestow upon my family and his. He left a few days early with the boys. Long drive! I got to fly and meet up with them on Christmas Eve. By the time his scheduled departure rolled around, the last thing I wanted to do was bake. The very thought of it made me want to chuck the hand-mixer through the kitchen wall. Sorry family, no treats. No doubt they’ll agree that having me sane and well-rested is significantly more savory!
Nugget was thoroughly empathetic. Or just hoping for me to pause the holiday craziness long enough to give him a good head scratch! He’s really good helper…….. if you consider laying or stepping on the wrapping paper a big help. He enjoyed supervising the wrapping frenzy, and even caught a peek at a few gifts from Santa Paws. I had
to make him pinky-promise not to tell Osc there is no Santa Paws. Cost me a few biscuits, but what else was I supposed to do? Too risky...
Speaking of Oscar, his 2nd birthday was also upon us. That’s right, Oscar, Satanic-Tazmanian-Beast-&-
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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